Letter to OTPP

Hello dear Forest supporters,

Please copy the email below, modify it to your needs and address it to the following email addresses:





Through  the grassroots environmental group Save Fairview Forest, I have recently learnt that Cadillac Fairview will build a fence surrounding Fairview Forest in Pointe-Claire, Quebec. This forest is home  to exceptional flora and fauna such as the brown snake, migrating birds and monarch butterflies and 22 acres of 100 year old trees. Cadillac Fairview has indicated that they intend to develop this wonderful forest. As you are the owners of Cadillac Fairview I am writing to you to express my concern and objection to this plan.

Your webpage very clearly and repeatedly declares your dedication to the environment and taking it into account in every decision you make.  There is clear proof that preserving forests is one of the key elements in combating climate change, so it is essential to ensure that Fairview Forest remains 100% untouched.  Cadillac Fairview’s actions and stated development  plans for where Fairview Forest currently sits have thus always been contradictory to your stated policies. 

It is also a questionable use of your clients’ pension funds to build a low non-continuous 3ft fence to enclose an area as large as a  42 acre forest such as Fairview Forest. What is the aim and the cost of such an endeavor? There will certainly be a cost to the forest as cutting of trees and vegetation will certainly be necessary in the installation of the fence . Any destruction of any natural space is also contradictory to ensuring the well-being and future of the youth your clients have taught.

I know that we both care about the environment and the future wellbeing of our planet. I thus call on the OTTP and in extension Cadillac Fairview to:

  • Cease all plans for the erection of a fence, 
  • Ensure that 100% of Fairview Forest is preserved and cease all plans for development.,

I also very much encourage you to contact Save Fairview Forest regarding this matter at 

info@sauvonslaforetfairview.org. You can also look at their webpage https://sauvonslaforetfairview.org/ for more information.

Thank you for your attention to this matter,